Rabu, 27 Mei 2009


Over the weekend i poured over a few newspaper, and what i saw was a very contradicting note between two religious organization. First news was NU, one of Indonesia biggest moslem organization released an edict to banned Facebook and other social networking sites also to banned mobile phone communication between sexes. And the more shocking news was that MUI chapter in East Java supported this edict. The reason behind this was misuse of function of what this sites and devices are intended to do, and they said to prevent adultery and pornography.

And the second news was coming from the Vatican, which is basically a country, and also the source for every Catholic teaching all over the world. They decided to use Facebook as a tool to woo young believers, so these young believers would come back to church. They use Facebook to communicate with their masses, to increase church attendance, etc, etc. Which I think is a good, when they recognise their weaknesses and try to address that.

From this two news only I was shocked, because there were to different approaches to technology. One who did not like what they saw and decided to prohibited for life, and the other one who did not like what they saw also but try to embrace it so they could cover more ground. For this purpose only, I have to praise the move that the latter took. But don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that Islam, in this case NU, is worse than the Catholic which were represented by the Vatican. All I'm trying to say was they had different approach and for me the latter is the better one. It really show how broad is the mindset of the person behind these organization. And for that particular organization to think it over and over again before releasing an edict, so it would not backfire in a certain period of time :D

Minggu, 24 Mei 2009


Sejujurnya gw males komen untuk soal2 politik kayak gini, cm karena satu dan lain hal dengan berat hati gw bikin jg. Maksud gw, kalo pasangan yg berkuasa sekarang mau berkuasa lagi ya monggo silahkan aja. Berikan bukti dr janji2 masa kampanye lalu dalam 5 tahun ke depan, ech ternyata berpisah jg. Masing2 punya pasangan baru yg berbeda latar belakang, SBY berpasangan dengan profesional yg gak bersumber dr partai mana pun sementara JK menggandeng Ketum Hanura yg jg purnawirawan Jenderal. Okelah kalo masing2 punya pasangan baru, ech tiba2 mantan presiden RI ke lima yaitu Megawati ngumumin kalo nyalonin diri lagi.

Sebenernya gapapa jg siy, cm yg gw liat selama ini kampanyenya dr seblom pencalonan kok terkesan menjelek2an ada dendam terhadap pemerintahan sekarang. Ini keliatan banget dr omongan2 beliau selama ini, yg bilang kalo ga ada hasilnya pemerintahan saat ini. Yach bu, jaman ibu lebih ga keliatan lagi bu hasilnya heuheuheuheuheuhuee.... Yach bukan apa2 jg siy, cm hari gini masih black campaign? capek deeeeeee, mending susun program 5 taun ke depan kalo kepilih mau dijadiin apa negara ini. Pilih kabinet yg bener, jangan dagang sapi lg. Terus publikasiin ke rakyat, biar mereka yg milih mana yg terbaik menurut mereka. Ga usah dilanjutin d bu kampanye negatifny, percuma. Malah makin keliatan ga benernya nanti bu, cukuplah penampilan buruk di TVOne kemaren ga usah diulang lagi :D :Peace: bu ach :D

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009


Jumatan kemaren seperti biasa gw shalat di mesjid deket rumah, lg enak2nya dengerin kotbah tiba2 khatibnya ngomong soal politik. Gw siy selama ini no comment aja kalo udah ngomongin yg aneh2, tp kemaren mau ga mau gw harus komen. Karena si khatib ini tiba2 ngomong soal pilpres, dan salah satu cawapres yg dituding kafir dan katanya tidak didukung oleh partai2 islam besar seperti PAN, PKB, PKS dan PPP. Buat gw, kalo dia bilang pasangan ini gak didukung sm partai2 islam besar masih okelah karena sampe semalem emang blom jelas mau kemana partai2 politik itu. Tp kemaren dia nunjuk dan bilang kalo cawapresnya kafir, nah lho ini masih bener ga niy.

Karena menurut gw apa yg dia omongin itu dah menjurus ke ghibah alias gosip alias bergunjing, tanpa tau fakta2nya dia ngomongin seseorang yg dia gak kenal di depan umat. Dan ternyata orang yg dia bilang kafir itu adalah muslim yg taat, dan pasangan itu ternyata di dukung sm partai2 yg kata dia nggak mendukung itu. Nah, nah, salah lagi dong dia, heuheuheuhuehuee... Gw mah no comment aja, tp satu hal dah pasti buat pak Khatib mbok ya ati2 kalo ngomong di depan umat, ngomongin yg pasti2 aja d pak. Jangan yg ga jelas nanti malah susah sendiri lho :D