Rabu, 27 Mei 2009


Over the weekend i poured over a few newspaper, and what i saw was a very contradicting note between two religious organization. First news was NU, one of Indonesia biggest moslem organization released an edict to banned Facebook and other social networking sites also to banned mobile phone communication between sexes. And the more shocking news was that MUI chapter in East Java supported this edict. The reason behind this was misuse of function of what this sites and devices are intended to do, and they said to prevent adultery and pornography.

And the second news was coming from the Vatican, which is basically a country, and also the source for every Catholic teaching all over the world. They decided to use Facebook as a tool to woo young believers, so these young believers would come back to church. They use Facebook to communicate with their masses, to increase church attendance, etc, etc. Which I think is a good, when they recognise their weaknesses and try to address that.

From this two news only I was shocked, because there were to different approaches to technology. One who did not like what they saw and decided to prohibited for life, and the other one who did not like what they saw also but try to embrace it so they could cover more ground. For this purpose only, I have to praise the move that the latter took. But don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that Islam, in this case NU, is worse than the Catholic which were represented by the Vatican. All I'm trying to say was they had different approach and for me the latter is the better one. It really show how broad is the mindset of the person behind these organization. And for that particular organization to think it over and over again before releasing an edict, so it would not backfire in a certain period of time :D

2 komentar:

kavfrou mengatakan...

Hear hear..strongly agreed. Maybe if they would try to embrace the enemy and defeat the game from inside..thus would actually gain benefits rather than suffer from idiocracy created by oneself..ini bukannya smacam strategi perang apa itu buku perang cina kolossal..

arto mengatakan...

Sun Tzu 'The Arts of War'
itu yg bikin gw kadang malu jd orang islam teng, hal2 seperti ini yg harus dirubah dan diperbaiki untuk masa depan yg lebih baik :D